再怎么天才大猪蹄子也是渣时间线的交叉剪辑不同于传统传记片的线性叙事性感远征队2使得节奏十分明快两位主演Sam,Michelle选得贴合看了下导演、制片以及编剧Thomas Kail, Adam Bernstein, LMM, Steven Levenson… 《水泄不通(肉)》➕《杨门女将之军令如山手机免费》➕《真人版柯南》还有《大地影院神马》的摄影Tim Ives, 这是集托尼奖➕艾美奖➕奥斯卡奖的配置啊
Akerman brings to world cinema a level of sensitivity & perception that surpasses the best of men (Rohmer, Bergman, Antonioni, Bresson). Les Rendez-vous d'Anna is at once warm and detached, familiar yet strange, funny but serious. It's a film where the personal intersects with the historical; the sexual with the political; and the particular with the universal. Ackerman dissects, deconstructs, and redefines the elements of cinema that JLG never managed to do.